
We will help you understand your Web3 community, leverage its potential and make it an indispensable asset to your business model. How? Data, strategy, governance design & much more.

4web3 services

Community Mapping

Community Mapping

Do you know your holders? Why do they hold? Are they planning to sell? Are they planning to stay? Why? Who are your community leaders? Are there any passive, potential leaders? What do they need to become active?

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

Once you have mapped out your community and gained enough data, you can step up the game and start Community Strategic Planning. It does sound complex but it's not. We will take care of most of the heavy lifting.

Governance Design

Governance Design

Once you have gone through Community Mapping and Community Strategic Planning process, you may choose to create Community Governance structure in order to bring your strategy to life. We'll help you design it.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

Are you at a dead end? Is your community getting frustrated and you don't know how to handle it? Don't worry, we've got you. Our team has years of experience in corporate as well as civil conflict resolution.

Community Training

Community Training

Once you have mapped out your community and identified active and potential leaders, you can utilise our training programme to allow your top community members to become as valuable as your team members.

DAO Governance Design

DAO Governance Design

Does your DAO struggle to reach a consensus? Too many irrelevant proposals? We can help you design a fitting strategy for your DAO and craft a governance model ensuring smooth proposal system and minimal conflict.